Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lesson 5- DepEd

A. The Department of Education
The DepEd Vision

“We are people organization committed to a culture of excellence in public service. Believing that the most important resource of our country is its people, we make the task of educating the Filipino child our singular mission.

We assist the Filipino child to discover his/her full potential in a child-centered and value-driven teaching-learning environment and thereby, enable him/her to create his/her own destiny in global community. We prepare him/her to become a responsible citizen and an enlightened leader who loves his/her country and is proud to be a Filipino.

We provide a school system…

            Where teachers and principals achieve the desired learning outcome not only because they are empowered, competent and accountable, but because they care;

           Where administrator exercise visionary leadership responsive to emerging learning needs of the nation; ensure adequate resources; promote appropriate technology; create and sustain a conducive climate to enhance learning; and

           Where the family, the community and other institutions actively support our efforts.

          We affirm the right of every Filipino child especially the less advantaged to benefit from such a system.”

The DepEd Mission

      To provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all
      Lay the foundation for life-long learning and service for the common good.

Superior Commission of Primary Instruction
Department of Public Instruction
Department of Public Instruction
Department of Education, Health and Public Welfare
Department of Education, Health and Public Welfare
Department of Public Instruction
Department of Public Instruction and Information
Department of Instruction
Department of Education
Department of Education and Culture
Ministry of Education and Culture
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
Department of Education, Culture and Sports
Department of Education, Culture and Sports
2001 - present
Department of Education

DepEd Management Structure

Central Office - maintains the overall administration of basic education at the national level

 Field Offices - responsible for the regional and local coordination and administration

Four Undersecretaries
1.    Programs and Projects
2.    Regional Operations
3.    Finance and Administration
4.    Legal Affairs

Four Assistant Secretaries
1.    Programs and Projects
2.    Planning and Development
3.    Budget and Financial Affairs
4.    Legal Affairs

Backstopping the Office of the Secretary at the Central Office are the different services, bureaus and centers.

The Five Service Units
1.    Administrative Service
2.    Financial and Management Service
3.    Human Resource Development Service
4.    Planning Service
5.    Technical Service

 Three Staff Bureaus
1.    Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE)
2.    Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE)
3.    Bureau of Nonformal Education

Six Centers
1.    National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC)
2.    Health and Nutrition Center (HNC)
3.    National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP)
4.    Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF)
5.    National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC)
6.    Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS)

 Four Special Offices under OSEC
1.    Adopt-a-School Program Secretariat
2.    Center for Students and Co-curricular Affairs
3.    Educational Technology Unit
4.     Task Force Engineering Assessment and Monitoring.

Other attached and support agencies:
·        Teacher Education Council (TEC)
·        Philippine High School for the Arts
·         Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC)
·         Instructional Materials Council (IMC)

Field Offices consist of the following:
·        16 Regional Offices headed by a Regional Director (a Regional Secretary in the case of ARMM);
·        157 Provincial and City Schools Divisions, each headed by a Schools Division Superintendent
·        2,227 School Districts, each headed by a District Supervisor

Under the supervision of the Schools Division Offices
·        48, 446 schools
o    40,763 elementary schools (36,234 public and 4,529 private)
o    7,683 secondary schools (4,422 public and 3,261 private)

·        GASTPE (Government Assistance to Student and Teachers in Private Education)
·        CS-PST (Community Service and Public Safety Training) TSD-MCP (Thinking Skills Development for Maximized Cognitive Performance)
·        Teacher Training Programs
·        Adopt-A-School Program
·        SIP (Self-Instructional Packages) in SRA (Social Reform Agenda) Provinces
·        BP-OSA (Balik-Paaralan Para Sa Out-Of-School Adults)
·        Project EASE (Effective and Affordable Secondary Education)
·        School Based Education 
·        Indigenization/Localization of the Secondary Education Curriculum
·        RHGP (Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program)
·         Population Education Program
·        PEPTALK
·        Population Education Information Network (POPEDIN)
·        Home-Partnership Program


·        Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE)
 Preschool Service Contracting Program
SPED Personnel Enhancement Program
·        Resource Materials Development for Children with Special Needs (CSNs)
·        Early Intervention Program for Children with Disabilities 
·        Standards for Quality Elementary Education (SQEE)

Current Educational Classroom Practices based on the Different Philosophies of Education

DECS Order No. 13 1998-Revised rules and regulations on the teaching of religion in public elementary and secondary
Schools – IDEALISM

DECS Order No. 57, s. 1998 - Clarification on the changes in the (Sequencing) Social Studies program –

DECS Order No. 65, s 1998 - Revised guidelines on the selection of honor students in private and public secondary schools - SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM/EXISTENTIALISM

DECS Order No. 106, s. 1998 - Revised rules
exemption of Scouts from Citizen's Army Training (CAT) -  SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM

DECS Order No. 91, s. 1998 - changes in the Technology and Home Economics (THE) program of the New Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC) -  PROGRESSIVISM

DECS Order Mo. 70, s. 1998 - Revised system of rating and reporting of student performance for secondary schools

DECS Order No. 67. s. 1997 - Implementation of the
Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP)
Regional School of the Future (SOF)

DECS Order No. 33, s 1996 – Reiterating the implementation of RA 1425 mandating the inclusion of Rizal’s life, works, and writing, teaching and virtues as a course.

DECS Order No. 40, s. 1995 – Promoting culture and arts in schools - PERENNIALISM

DECS Order No. 54, s. 1995 – War On Waste

DECS Order No. 1, s. 1993 – Increasing the number of elementary school days and time allotment in the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC)

Philippine Normal University LET Refresher Course 2004


B. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)


-   The Commission on Higher Education or CHED was established in May 18, 1994 through Republic Act 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994
-   CHED is the governing body covering both Public and Private Higher Education Institutions as well as degree-granting programs in all tertiary educational institutions in the Philippines


-   The Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) shall be the key players in advancing new knowledge for the improvement of academic instruction, productivity enhancement and job creation, and in addressing the key issues confronting the Philippine society.
-   The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is envisioned to be the lead catalyst in transforming the country into a prime knowledge center in Southeast Asia by revitalizing HEIs and ensuring that their renewed roles in a dynamic environment are fulfilled.
-   As its direct input to poverty reduction, higher education shall supply, through its HRD function, competent basic service providers such as teachers, health and social workers to respond to the needs of the population. At the same time, higher education will produce globally competitive professionals, entrepreneurs and high-level technical manpower for the domestic and international market.
-   Higher education will generate, adapt and apply knowledge and technologies for generating jobs and income and improving productivity through its research and extension functions. Specifically, it shall promote and support transfer technologies generated by HEIs for improving production particularly in agriculture and small and medium enterprises.
-   The higher education system further aims to contribute to the peace process, bureaucratic reform and fiscal-strengthening goal through efficient and effective management of the higher education system and various programs to promote values formation, social integration, corporatization initiatives and entrepreneurship.


-   It is the mission of the higher education system of the Philippines to provide HEIs that are innovative, responsive, accessible, and effective towards social transformation of the country
-   These HEIs shall be dynamic and conscious in promoting the academic pillars of quality education, research, and extension. Their programs and activities shall be relevant to the needs of their clientele, stakeholders, and the communities they serve.
-   Access to quality higher education will be provided to the capable Filipinos regardless of socio-economic status.

CHED Mandate

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7722, the Commission on Higher Education is mandated to undertake the following tasks:
-      promote quality education;
-      take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all;
-      ensure and protect academic freedom for the continuing intellectual growth;
-      the advancement of learning and research;
-      the development of responsible and effective leadership;
-      the education of high level professionals; and
-      the enrichment of historical and cultural heritage.

Per Section 8 of R.A. 7722, the CHED has the following powers and functions:
·        Formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities, and programs on higher education;
·        Formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities, and programs on research;
·        Recommend to the executive and legislative branches priorities and grants on higher education and research;
·        Set minimum standards for programs and institutions of higher learning recommended by panels of experts in the field and subject to public hearing, and enforced the same;
·        Monitor and evaluate the performance of programs and institutions of higher learning for appropriate incentives as well as the imposition of sanctions such as, but not limited to, diminution or withdrawal of subsidy, recommendation on the downgrading or withdrawal of accreditation, program termination or school course;
·        Identify, support and develop potential centers of excellence in program areas needed for the development of world-class scholarship, nation building and national development;
·        Recommend to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) the budgets of public institutions of higher learning as well as general guidelines for the use of their income;
·        Rationalize programs and institutions of higher learning and set standards, policies and guidelines for the creation of new ones as well as the conversion or elevation of schools to institutions of higher learning, subject to budgetary limitations and the number of institutions of higher learning in the province or region where creation, conversion or elevation is sought to be made;
·        Develop criteria for allocating additional resources such as research and program development grants, scholarships, and the other similar programs: Provided, that these shall not detract from the fiscal autonomy already enjoyed by colleges and universities;
·        Direct or redirect purposive research by institutions of higher learning to meet the needs of agro-industrialization and development;
·        Devise and implement resource development schemes;
·        Administer the Higher Education Development Fund, as described in Section 10 of R.A. 7722, which will promote the purposes of higher education;
·        Review the charters of institutions of higher learning and state universities and colleges including the chairmanship and membership of their governing bodies and recommend appropriate measures as basis for necessary action;
·        Promulgate such rules and regulations and exercise such other powers and functions as may be necessary to carry out effectively the purpose and objectives of R.A. 7722; and
·         Perform such other functions as may be necessary for its effective operations and for the continued enhancement, growth and development of higher education.

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