Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lesson 4- Emerging themes of Education

Emerging Themes of Contemporary Educational Philosophy
Contemporary philosophical themes have direct bearing to education as a whole. These are the following:

·       The task of man is man himself

·       Being as opposed to seeming

·       Person making present

·       Unfolding as opposed to imposition

·       Genuine Dialogue

Summary of Specific Points of the Different Themes Presented
•        A human being is a social being and an inter-human being.

 He cannot live by himself for he depends on others for the things he needs in order to survive. He is not self sufficient thus he relates with the material world and with his fellowmen in his pursuit of the material things that will satisfy the needs of his body.

But a human being is not only a body. He is an embodied spirit and therefore his relationship is not limited only to the physical, bodily or social realm but also to the realm of the inter-human.

For a human being is primarily a person who becomes actuated through relations. Togetherness is a value that involves the existence of a human being not just a being-through-others but more so as a being-for-others

The interhuman relationship is achieved by transcending seemingness and entering into a genuine dialogue with the other through an I- thou relationship.

 This relationship is founded on the true nature of person, the willingness to make himself present and the unfolding of the true self in the mutual sharing of persons.

 It is through this relationship that he fulfills his nature and helps others fulfill theirs in a community of persons journeying towards their actualization.

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